Developing Mineotaur

Software used to create Mineotaur

Server side:

Client side:

Architecture of Mineotaur

The Mineotaur web server can be accessed from both a web interface and programatically using REST. The web server handles the interaction with the graph database containing the HT/HCS data.


Server side architecture

The web server if based on the Spring Model-View-Controller (MVC), using Thymeleaf as a template engine. The data is stored in the Neo4j graph database. A web client can access the content by making an HTTP request to the server, which will query the appropriate data from the database and render a web page from a Thymeleaf template.


Client side architecture

On the client side, all interaction is done using a Javascript application. The application is modular, with different modules responsinble to handle events (Controller), carry data values (Context), manipulate web pages (UI), generate plots (Plot) and provide general functionalities (Utilities).
